Ave Ultra is Avemar-Don’t listen to European Whiners
Would you want a 1990 Toyota Camry made in Japan from a used car salesman or a 2011 Toyota Camry made in Kentucky? Unless you are a strange type of car collector I’ll bet you would rather have the 2011 Camry. That is the same choice you face with Avemar from Hungary of Ave Ultra which is Avemar from the United States and made in Wisconsin. You see the inventor of Avemar, a brilliant Hungarian biochemist named Mate Hidvegi originally made Avemar in Hungary, but had to make it in a form that did not follow his original design because Hungary did not have the technology or resources to make it the way he designed it. Instead of freeze drying he had to use heat spraying techniques that could damage the Avemar and he could not filter out much of the residue from manufacture so it was a heavy, poor tasting pulvis that had to be sweetened with fructose to hide the taste! Fructose is a terrible choice for a sweetener! It can give you gastric upset, raise your blood sugar levels and all sorts of other unwanted stuff. But this was Hungary, fructose? No problem.
A few years back Dr. Hidvegi was approached by some fellow Hungarian doctors with an offer he could not refuse. Let them manage his company and they would modernize production and raise revenue. He signed the operating agreement only to find out in small print that he had given up control of the company to these guys, but this is Eastern Europe....No Problem.
Once he found out that he no longer could even work at his company that he founded, he turned to the people who sold the most of the original Hungarian Avemar, a company called American BioSciences for help. They were interested in helping Dr. Hidvegi and they helped him rework the patent to include his original product design for Avemar because the United States has the technology and materials necessary to make Avemar the way Dr. Hidvegi originally envisioned it. Ave Ultra is not subjected to heat now, but freeze-dried! Ave Ultra uses stevia instead of fructose and the manufacturing is so good that one dose weighs 1/3rd of the Hungarian product. It is a better product, made the way it was originally intended and it is made in the United States!
The guys back in Hungary who stole the company from the inventor have turned into professional whiners.
So what is your choice? The 1990 Camry (or should I say Yugo) or the 2011 Camry made in the US. The old compromised Avemar or Ave Ultra?
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