Is There a Link Between Allergies to Wheat and Women's Thyroid Disease?
In my clinical practice I have seen many women with various thyroid pathology. Some of them I have been able to help and others I have not. I have seen t4/t3 conversion problems, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and idopathic thyroid refractory to any treatment. Lately I have seen women who have fatigue, loss of hair, bloating after eating and constipation as part of their symptom picture. I have diligently pursued a course of action using Western medicine, Chinese medicine and Natural therapies as well as acupuncture and dietary therapy. I have had good results with some, but overall I have not been satisfied with their outcomes. Then came Elizabeth, my dear friend and patient. She had all of the symptoms and was getting the best care from all of her medical team with no real results to speak of. She was dogged in her determination to get better to the point where she was manically pursuing any lead she found on the internet of by word of mouth. This was sapping her financially and spiritually. There came a point when even her search was starting to have a negative effect on her and that is when I stepped in and did what I was trained to do. I took all the puzzle pieces of her history and started to make some order of them. I got rid of the well intentioned but incompetent internet docs who were filling her head with made up physiology and selling her hundreds of dollars of supplements to align her 'Hypothalamic/Adrenal axis". I gave her acupuncture for stress reduction and mapped out a plan to do some comprehensive testing to evaluate her thyroid, estrogen metabolism and rule out any allergies. All came back negative except her estradiol levels which were high and her thyroid which showed a high reverse T3 level. Gliadin antibody levels were negative as well but we had put Elizabeth on an elimination challenge diet and she reported that she felt much better. I also put her on an amino acid combination shown to improve Igf1 levels in research to compensate for the longstanding stress of her condition. This also was reported by her to give some improvement. Then I told her to take time for herself by walking on the beach several times a week alone and I gave her some AHCC supplementation (immpower by american biosciences) to alter her interleukin levels and optimize the functioning of her immune system with regard to her potential food sensitivities. From the elimination diet we learned that wheat was her main sensitivity even though she did not test positive for it. I urged her to try the new armour thyroid that comes from Canada because the synthroid available in the U.S. is not performing as well as it should in women. Prior to this she had been using L-Thyronine supplementation from another physician. Several months later she is much better and recovering nicely. She works out every day. She is not bloated anymore at night. She has an abundance of energy and feels optimistic about her future. In this case less was more and as in all cases having a focused plan with goals and objectives was more effective than a huge amount of disorganized and anecdotal advice.
I have a large amount of cases like this where women of all ages have different sets of symptoms but in the end one single cause, a sensitivity to wheat. I shake my head when I think of all the women over the deades who may have been subjected to polypharmacy and unneeded procedures plus the specter of having chronic problems that would not go away all because of an allergy to wheat. It is interesting to note that the vaunted China Study that was supposed to come out in favor of vegetables over meat consumption as the key to less disease actually showed that the strongest correlation to cancer in the food chain was wheat. Hmmm.....

I have a large amount of cases like this where women of all ages have different sets of symptoms but in the end one single cause, a sensitivity to wheat. I shake my head when I think of all the women over the deades who may have been subjected to polypharmacy and unneeded procedures plus the specter of having chronic problems that would not go away all because of an allergy to wheat. It is interesting to note that the vaunted China Study that was supposed to come out in favor of vegetables over meat consumption as the key to less disease actually showed that the strongest correlation to cancer in the food chain was wheat. Hmmm.....