Location: Jupiter, Florida

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cancer-is it the canary in the coal mine?

I'm Back!!!!!! The recession hit me hard and hit me early and I had to struggle to make my daily bread but there is a life out there for all of us as long as we do not suffer excessively and change the path God has for us with our free will. The point is to never give up. What was he thinking when he gave us free will as a gift? Huh...I'll have to ask him when I get there.

Cancer lives with us all. Some of us will have it become a part of our lives and others will only watch from the sidelines but eventually it will affect us all. I never wanted to get involved with cancer when I was studying medicine. It was too serious and big-time for me, but medicine has a way of drawing you in where it needs you and so I now work with cancer all the time and I love it. It makes me wish I had gone to school to be an MD and oncologist because with my out of the box way of thinking I would have been one cool onco man.

I am going to be posting a lot of the articles I write up here on my little blog which I love.


Blogger Vintage Tea and Roses said...

My mother died from ovarian cancer in1990 and she was only 62 and I wonder if it was either due to HRT or what her UCLA doctor mentioned regarding her ovaries being left at the time of her hysterectomy when she was a much younger woman. Now I am feeling dry and with a lot of stress in my life and I am 58. I would like to try bioidentical hormones or if herbs would help balance me out or even acupuncture. Kaiser only offers me HRT. What do you think I should do? I appreciate your advice. Also I am very excited about looking into drinking raw cocoa to prevent cancer and I have been using a cottage cheese and flax oil protocall that I read about when my husband was being treated for salivary gland cancer.

11:31 AM  

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